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γ€Œmilsim nerds get the fuck in here」

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What do we think of the PMCs? Have you been playing galactic contention recently? It was working like shit the last time I was on.
>>67756 #
PMC is neat because it's just very well funded american civilians given weapons they legally shouldnt have
Should I get back to Arma 3, or try Squad?
>>67720 #
>>67414 #
I mean the gameplay is completely different. Squad is so much more organized but I really prefer how arma feels, especially reforger. Getting a fireteam together and ambushing enemy jeeps/trucks along main roads in arma is some of the most fun you'll ever have. Squad is easier to jump into with strangers and has better organized objectives but honestly I kindof can't stand it after the ICO. The movement is just painfully slow, the ADS is tedious, etc.
>>67756 #
To expand upon this because I hit enter to start a new line, forgetting how this works.
Vanilla is fine but I fucking detest the infantry overhaul. Haven't touched Hired Guns yet, opinions?
Performance is trash
>Galactic Contention
Really cool, lot of good assets, terrible fucking maps. Interactions between players need to occur on MUCH closer range maps, more indoor fighting. Or entirely overhaul weapons for further ranged engagements.
>Middle East Escalation
Dead, but was cool. Seemed like too much content.
>Global Escalation
Needs more layers, maps, and unique layouts. IMO just the right level of tech for your average firefight.
Pisses me off so fucking much. The ONE server that hosted it (IIRC) was 1stRB and the lukewarm IQ of their playerbase (consisting of dorito-stained, layback, controller couch gamers) is so fucking infuriating to try and wrangle them to win ONE SINGULAR FUCKING MATCH tilted me so hard I dropped Squad entirely and went back to warthunder/miladycraft.
>other tac faggot mods
NVs and thermals have no place in squad. Shit sucks.
i used to play project reality, never tried squad but i heard it's decent
